Прочитайте та пепекладіть фрагмент тексту з фільму письмово. Після перекладу напишіть назву цього фільму.
Hello? Mom? Dad? Where are you guys? Buzz? Megan? Hello? Rod? Uncle Frank? Uncle Frank, is this a joke? Megan? Linnie? Is this a joke? It's only my imagination. Only my imagination. The cars are still here. They didn't go to the airport! I made my family disappear. You're completely helpless. You know, Kevin... ... you're what the French call les incompetents. Kevin, I'm going to feed you to my tarantula. Kevin, you are such a disease. There are 15 people, and you're the only one who has to make trouble. Look what you did, you little jerk! I made my family disappear. I'm free! Wow! No clothes on anybody. Sickening! Cool! Firecrackers! I'll save these for later. Buzz, I'm going through all your private stuff. You better come out and pound me! Buzz, your girlfriend! Woof!
Розкрийте дужки, записуючи речення у Past Simple. Вправа письмова.
Вправи на Present Simple. Виконуйте письмово
1. Виберіть правильну форму дієслова з поданих нижче та підставте його у речення:
do(es) - cause(s) – close(s) - open(s) – wake(s) up - speak(s) – take(s) – live(s) – play(s) – drink(s)
2. Поставте дієслова в дужках в правильну форму: