5 клас 07.04.-10.04

Підручник с. 185- впр. 5- виписати нові слова у словник та знайти переклад.

с.185 впр. 5- прочитати та перекласти текст (усно)

с.186 впр. 6- виконати завдання усно, сказати чи речення правдиві, чи ні.

с. 187- виписати нові слова у словники та знайти переклад

с. 192 впр. 5а- зробити вправу письмово. Знайти пару та записати речення у зошит

Прочитайте та перекладіть текст письмово у зошит

Travelling is a very nice activity. You can travel in your own country or abroad, you will anyway get lots of impression. It’s not only a lot of fun, but it’s also quite useful for a person. As for me I prefer traveling abroad, because I like seeing people from other countries and learning about their culture. 

I think people travel abroad for many reasons. First of all, traveling is a great opportunity to broaden your mind. When you travel you visit plenty of attractions, if you take an excursion you learn the history of the places and interesting facts. Travelling gives you good emotions, as you can see very beautiful places: buildings, parks, lakes and beaches. When you travel you meet a lot of different people, who you can talk to and understand their way of thinking and the way they see the world. You learn about the culture, customs and traditions of other nationalities. You can also practice your English with those people. 

Підручник с. 185- впр. 5- виписати нові слова у словник...
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