Determining a level in 15 min

These questions will help to determine the student's level of English to see if we can place them in previously suggested course or offer other studying options. Marked with a * are optional questions.


Present yourself in 5 sentences. (What's your name? Do you work or do you study? What’s your hobby? Where are you based? etc)


Where and how often do you use English?

* Do you watch films or read books in English?


How did you study English before? What’s the most difficult part of learning English for you?


What’s the funniest or the most exciting situation of using English that you’ve ever had?
* What's the most exciting place you've ever visited? 


What would you do if one day you woke up and could speak English perfectly?

* What would you do if you had more time for yourself? 


Do you prefer adding the words to you dictionary by yourself or have them added for you?
* Do you prefer cooking by yourself or having your meals cooked for you? 

These questions will help to determine the student's level of...