General English demo adults all levels
Individual ESL Lesson Plan: Exploring Travel Destinations
Individual ESL Lesson Plan: Exploring Travel Destinations
  • This lesson is built in such a way that it covers all levels and helps to determine exact level. 
  • It is necessary to begin with the first speaking exercise from A1 level. If it is done well, we skip further exercises in A1 and go directly to the speaking exercise in A2. If A2 speaking is done fine - we go to the speaking of B1 and so on. 
  • Every time in speaking activities we pay attention to the grammar focus of the exercises and to the lexics used by the students. 
  • If some speaking exercise is the maximum what a student can do - we stay on this level and do the rest of the exercises on this level. 
  • if the exercise is too hard, we come back to the previous level and do all the exercises there. 
  • After determining the student level we give feedback on the level and tell about further studies. We may show our Classmill platform and our book.
This lesson is built in such a way that it...
Exercise 1 - A1 Level:

- Grammar Focus: Present Simple tense.

Describe the picture using basic vocabulary, simple sentences, and the present simple tense (e.g., "I want to go to [destination]. It looks nice.").

A1 reading

Title: My Dream Vacation

I dream of a wonderful vacation. I want to go to a place called "Sunshine Island." It is a small island in the middle of the ocean. The island has beautiful beaches with golden sand and clear blue water.

I will stay in a cozy beachfront cottage. From my cottage, I can see the sparkling sea and hear the waves. It will be so relaxing!

During the day, I will swim in the ocean and build sandcastles on the beach. In the evening, I will watch the sunset and have a delicious dinner with fresh seafood. I can't wait to go!

Comprehension Questions:

  1. Where does the author want to go for their vacation?
  2. What does the island look like?
  3. Where will the author stay?
  4. What activities does the author want to do on the island?
A1 reading Title: My Dream Vacation I dream of a...
Exercise 2 - A2 Level:

- Grammar Focus: Modal verbs (can, would).

Describe this picture using modal verbs to discuss an imaginary trip (e.g., "I would love to visit the [destination]. We can explore the local cuisine.").

A2 reading

Title: A Trip to the Mountains

Last summer, I went on a trip to the mountains with my family. We visited a place called "Pine Valley." It's a beautiful mountain region with tall pine trees and fresh air.

We stayed in a cozy log cabin for a week. From our cabin, we could see the mountains covered in green and hear the birds singing. It was so peaceful.

During the day, we went hiking in the woods. We saw colorful flowers, friendly squirrels, and even a deer. We had a picnic by a clear mountain stream.

In the evenings, we sat around a campfire and roasted marshmallows. We watched the stars in the clear mountain sky. It was the best vacation ever!

Comprehension Questions:

  1. Where did the author go for a trip last summer?
  2. What is the place called?
  3. What kind of cabin did they stay in?
  4. What activities did they do during the day?
  5. How did they spend their evenings?
A2 readingTitle: A Trip to the Mountains Last summer, I...

B1 reading

Title: Exploring the Historic City of Florence

Florence is a city in Italy that is known for its rich history and stunning architecture. Last summer, I had the chance to visit Florence, and it was a trip I will never forget.

One of the must-see attractions in Florence is the Florence Cathedral, also known as the Duomo. This magnificent cathedral is famous for its beautiful dome designed by Brunelleschi. I climbed to the top and had a breathtaking view of the city.

Another highlight was the Uffizi Gallery, one of the most famous art museums in the world. I saw works by artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Botticelli. It was like stepping into a different time.

Of course, I couldn't miss the Ponte Vecchio, a historic bridge lined with shops selling jewelry and souvenirs. The Arno River flows beneath it, and the view from the bridge is picture-perfect.

I also took a stroll through the charming streets of Florence, savoring gelato and espresso. The city's atmosphere is incredible, a blend of history and modernity.

Florence is truly a travel destination that combines art, history, and Italian culture in the most captivating way.

Comprehension Questions:

  1. Where is Florence located?
  2. What is the Duomo famous for?
  3. Which artists' works can be seen at the Uffizi Gallery?
  4. Describe the Ponte Vecchio.
  5. What did the author enjoy about Florence's atmosphere?
B1 readingTitle: Exploring the Historic City of Florence Florence is...
Exercise 4 - B2 Level:
Grammar Focus: Complex Sentences and Relative Clauses.

Discuss the destination's attractions and activities. Prepare a short presentation describing the destination while incorporating complex sentences and relative clauses to provide detailed information (e.g., "The [destination], where historical sites abound, is famous for its museums that showcase the region's rich heritage."). You need to practice creating more intricate sentences and using relative clauses to add descriptive information about the travel destination.
Exercise 3 - B1 Level:

Grammar Focus: Present Perfect tense, 1st condiitonal.

Do you know what rafting is?
Have you ever tried rafting?
Have you ever tried any other extreme sports? Which?
If you have an opportunity, which extreme sports will you try in the future?

B2 reading

Title: A Journey through the Wonders of Peru

Peru is a country of incredible natural beauty and cultural heritage. My recent journey through Peru was an adventure of a lifetime.

Our first stop was the breathtaking Machu Picchu, the ancient Inca city high in the Andes Mountains. The ruins, surrounded by lush greenery, are a testament to the engineering and architectural genius of the Incas. The feeling of standing on top of the world was indescribable.

We then ventured to the Amazon Rainforest, a vast and mystical place teeming with life. Our guide led us through dense jungles, and we spotted colorful birds, playful monkeys, and even a jaguar footprint. The sounds of the rainforest at night were both eerie and captivating.

Next, we explored the city of Cusco, once the capital of the Inca Empire. The city is a fusion of Inca and Spanish colonial architecture, and its streets are filled with history. We visited the beautiful Cusco Cathedral and sampled delicious Peruvian cuisine at local markets.

Our journey concluded at Lake Titicaca, the world's highest navigable lake. We stayed on the floating Uros Islands, where the indigenous Uru people have created unique communities atop floating reed islands. It was a humbling experience to witness their way of life.

Peru's diverse landscapes and rich cultural heritage left a lasting impression on me. It's a country that offers a glimpse into the wonders of both nature and history.

Comprehension Questions:

  1. What is Machu Picchu known for?
  2. Describe the Amazon Rainforest.
  3. What is unique about Cusco's architecture?
  4. Where did the author stay near Lake Titicaca?
  5. What impression did Peru leave on the author?
B2 reading Title: A Journey through the Wonders of Peru...
Exercise 5 - C1 Level:

- Grammar Focus: Third Conditional.

Let's talk about responsible tourism. You need to use third conditional sentences to express hypothetical situations related to travel (e.g., "If more travelers had been aware of the impact, they would have made better choices.").

C1 reading text

Title: The Enigmatic Allure of Bhutan

Bhutan, a small Himalayan kingdom, is often referred to as the "Land of the Thunder Dragon." Its mystical landscapes and unique culture have made it a travel destination like no other.

One of Bhutan's most iconic sites is the Paro Taktsang, also known as the Tiger's Nest Monastery. This sacred monastery is perched precariously on the edge of a cliff, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. Legend has it that Guru Rinpoche, the founder of Bhutanese Buddhism, flew here on the back of a tiger.

Bhutan's culture is equally captivating. The country values Gross National Happiness over GDP, and this philosophy permeates every aspect of life. Visitors often participate in colorful festivals featuring traditional dances, music, and elaborate masks. The Bhutanese people's warm hospitality adds to the allure of the country.

The landscapes of Bhutan are diverse, from the lush valleys of Punakha to the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas. Hiking enthusiasts can explore pristine trails and encounter yaks grazing in high-altitude meadows.

While Bhutan has embraced some modernity, it remains relatively untouched by the outside world. This enigmatic kingdom with its stunning scenery and rich cultural heritage offers a profound and transformative travel experience.

Comprehension Questions:

  1. What is the Tiger's Nest Monastery in Bhutan known for?
  2. How does Bhutan prioritize happiness in its culture?
  3. What are some features of Bhutanese festivals?
  4. Describe Bhutan's diverse landscapes.
  5. What makes Bhutan a unique travel destination according to the author?
C1 reading text Title: The Enigmatic Allure of Bhutan Bhutan,...

Warm-up questions

  1. Why do you learn English? Do you need English for work or for other purposes?
  2. What do you find difficult / easy about learning English?
Warm-up questions Why do you learn English? Do you need English...
Exercise 6 - C2 Level:

- Grammar Focus: Subjunctive mood.

Describe this picture using the subjunctive mood. Explore the impact of cultural exchange and the role of tourism in international relations.

Examples of subjunctive mood:
- I wish I were there
- The teacher insisted that the students be quiet
- Is it vital that she consult a specialist?
- She behaves as if she were a queen
- If I were you, I would take the job
- It's important that he be treated fairly, just as anyone else would be
- Long live the king!

C2 reading

Title: Journey to Antarctica: The Last Frontier

Antarctica, the Earth's southernmost continent, is a land of superlatives. As the least explored and least populated continent, it remains one of the last frontiers for adventurous travelers.

My journey to Antarctica was nothing short of extraordinary. The voyage started from Ushuaia, Argentina, often called the "End of the World." After crossing the tumultuous Drake Passage, we arrived on the frozen continent.

Antarctica's landscapes are surreal. Vast icebergs, towering glaciers, and snow-covered mountains stretch as far as the eye can see. The wildlife is equally remarkable. We witnessed colonies of penguins waddling along the shores, seals basking on ice floes, and whales breaching the icy waters.

Exploring Antarctica is an expedition like no other. We ventured out in small Zodiac boats to get up close to the icy landscapes and observe the wildlife in their natural habitat. We hiked across frozen tundras, marveling at the pristine beauty of this untouched land.

Beyond its natural wonders, Antarctica is a living laboratory for scientific research. Researchers from around the world come here to study climate change and the unique ecosystems that thrive in this extreme environment.

Visiting Antarctica is a privilege, and the experience leaves a profound impact. It's a reminder of the fragility of our planet and the importance of preserving its most pristine and remote corners.

Comprehension Questions:

  1. Where does the journey to Antarctica typically begin?
  2. Describe the landscapes of Antarctica.
  3. What kind of wildlife can be found in Antarctica?
  4. How did the author explore Antarctica?
  5. What does visiting Antarctica remind the author of?
C2 reading Title: Journey to Antarctica: The Last Frontier Antarctica,...


Write an essay in which you explore the ethical complexities of tourism, drawing from the discussions during the lesson, your own research, and employing a variety of grammar points.

Homework: Write an essay in which you explore the ethical complexities...

Extra discussion. B2-C1 travel- and work-related Qs:

1. What's your favorite travel destination, and what makes it special to you?

2. Have you ever experienced any cultural shocks or surprises while traveling? How did you handle them?

3. How do you typically plan your trips, and what factors do you consider when choosing your destinations?

4. Have you ever traveled for work purposes? If so, can you share a memorable experience from one of your business trips?

5. In your opinion, what are the main differences between traveling for leisure and traveling for work?

6. How do you think technology has changed the way people approach business trips in recent years?

7. What strategies do you employ to stay productive and focused during business trips, especially when you're away from your usual work environment?

Extra discussion. B2-C1 travel- and work-related Qs: 1. What's your...
Next: Business English demo adults all levels