3. Time off
Lesson 2
Future tenses. Talking about the weather
Lesson 2

Weather vocabulary

what's the weather forecast for tomorrow - який прогноз погоди на завтра?
what's the weather going to be like this morning? - якою буде погода цього ранку?
it will be sunny - буде сонячно
it will probably rain - можливо піде дощ
it might clear up - можливо розвидниться (небо стане безхмарним)

Weather vocabularywhat's the weather forecast for tomorrow - який прогноз...
Lesson 3
Disasters. Present Perfect
Lesson 3

Speaking (example from IELTS)

Speaking (example from IELTS)

The year was 2013 and our state was shook from its core. I live in Uttarakhand and in a multi-day cloudburst, it all led to massive floods in the year 2013. It was actually the worst natural disaster to happen in India post the tsunami. There was a lot of destruction of pilgrimages and so many people were left stranded all across the state.

I was in Dehradun at that moment, and the floods did not strike us directly but they did indirectly. Our family members who were living in parts of Tehri happened to be all around with floods. The water came in their houses and they had to evacuate. Although their lives were saved their livelihoods were badly impacted. They lost their house, their clothes and had to start afresh.

The huge was so grave that the prime minister took an aerial survey of the entire state and announced 10 billion to the state. There were many other states and countries as well that came in to help the state financially in the crisis situation. After around a year the state is again back to its normal workings. But the remains of the flood sometimes still remind us of how much it impacted all of our lives.

SAMPLE ANSWER The year was 2013 and our state was...
  1. What do you mean by natural disasters?
  2.  Have you experienced any natural disasters in your life?
  3.  Why the world faces more natural calamities in this modern era than in the last time?
  4. Why do some people not consider environmental problems to be serious?
  5. Do you think that governments around the world are doing enough to tackle the problems?
What do you mean by natural disasters?  Have you experienced...

True-false game. 

You need to guess which of these 5 sentences is not true.

1. I have never been to Paris.
2. I have never played big tennis. 
3. I have never eaten snails.
4. I have never played chess online.
5. I have never taught English a to 9-month child.

Now it's your turn to create such 5 sentences.

True-false game. You need to guess which of these 5 sentences...
Next: 4. Interests