Lesson 8

Text №1 for reading practice:


Maria was learning to add numbers. She liked to add numbers. It was easy to add numbers. She could add one and one. She knew that one and one are two. She knew that two and two are four. She knew that three and three are six. But that was it. She didn't know what four and four are. She asked her mom. Her mom told her that four and four are eight. "Oh, now I know," Maria said. "I am four years old now. In four more years, I will be eight." Maria was a fast learner. She wasn't a slow learner.

Text №1 for reading practice: ADD NUMBERS Maria was learning...

Text №3 for reading practice:


Patricia did not have much time. It was time to go to work. She did not want to be late for work. She would lose her job if she was late. She finished her coffee. She drank the last drop. She put the coffee cup in the kitchen sink. She turned on the kitchen faucet. She poured water into the cup. She turned off the faucet. She picked up her keys. The keys were on the kitchen table. She grabbed her gray coat. Her gray coat was on the chair. The chair was next to the door. She walked outside. She locked her door with her house key.

Text №3 for reading practice:  GO TO WORK Patricia did...

Text №2 for reading practice:


Linda wants to buy a new car. She has an old car. Her old car is a white Honda. Linda wants to buy a new Honda. She wants to buy a new red Honda. She has saved $1,000. She will use $1,000 to help buy the new car. She will give $1,000 to the Honda dealer. The Honda dealer will give her a contract to sign. The contract will require her to pay $400 a month for seven years. Her new red Honda will cost Linda a lot of money. But that's okay, because Linda makes a lot of money.

Text №2 for reading practice: BUY A NEW CAR Linda...
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Next: Lesson 9