Lesson 12

Text №1

My best friend Selena

Hi, my name is Tina. I am thirteen years old and today I want to talk about my best friend Selena. She is my classmate and she is thirteen years old too. We attend a very big school near Scotland. We share the same desk and love the same school subjects. Our favorite lessons are Arts and Physical Education.

I am very good at tennis and she is very good at volleyball. She plays volleyball at our school team. We both have a busy life. We always get up at a half past six and at seven o’clock her father takes us to school by car. They live next door to us, so after school we always do our homework, walk our dogs and play together. Our classes start at half past seven and finish at 4 p.m. Her mother is a nurse. My mother is a nurse too and they work at the same hospital. Our fathers are both engineers but they work at different companies. On Mondays, Selena has violin class and I have piano class. On Tuesdays and Thursdays she practices volleyball at the school’s gym and I play tennis in our school court.

Friday is my favorite day because Selena stays overnight with us. On the weekends, we usually go to the movie theater or have a picnic if the weather is good. I am the only child, I don’t have a sister but she is like a sister to me.

Text №1 My best friend Selena Hi, my name is...

Text №2

My Daily Routine

Dear Marcos,


Hi, my name is Rebecca and I am your new pen pal. I’m ten years old, and I live in Barcelona, Spain. I go to the 4th grade in Saint Michael Elementary School. On weekdays, I get up at 6 o’clock. The school starts at 7:30 in the morning. I have my lunch at the school cafeteria and I usually leave around 3:30 in the afternoon. I am good at math, I also like history and geography but I my favorite subject is science. I like playing basketball and soccer. I also play tennis, and I like swimming. On the weekends, I go to the movie theater with my friends. We like action movies. I usually go to church with my parents on Sundays.
Please write and tell me about you and your life. What’s your family like? What do you like doing in your spare time?
I hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,

Text №2 My Daily Routine Dear Marcos,   Hi, my...
Next: Lesson 13