FF2 Unit 1 Lesson 5 Skills Time

Talk about your classroom.

Example: It's very big. There is a cubboard. There are pegs on the wall. 

Talk about your classroom. Example: It's very big. There is...

What is the text about?

This is Peter.

Make predictions about Peter's school. (There is/are..)

What is the text about? This is Peter. Make predictions...

Ex. 2 Listen to the text.

Listen again and read the text. Answer the questions:

1. What school does Peter go to?

2. What's in the classroom?

3. What else is in the school?

Ex. 2 Listen to the text. Listen again and read...

Ex. 2 

Listen to the text.

Listen again and read the text.

Answer the questions:

1. What school does Peter go to?

2. What's in the classroom?

3. What else is in the school?


Find classroom words from this unit.

Say one thing about each object. (don't look into the book!)


Ex. 3

Read the sentences and circle the correct words.

Find the answer in the text.

Ex. 2  Listen to the text. Listen again and read...

True or False?


Peter's classroom is small.

His teacher is a man.

There are lots of pictures and posters on the wall.

Peter sits next to the teacher.

True or False?   Peter's classroom is small. His teacher...
IT IS, THIS IS, THERE IS в чем разница
There is/are, this is, it is
IT IS, THIS IS, THERE IS в чем разница
Duration (m)
Next: FF2 Unit 1 Lesson 6 Skills Time