FF2 Unit 1 Revision
How many colours do you know? Let's count!
What Color is the Sky? children's song 空は何色?のうた
What Color is the Sky? children's song 空は何色?のうた
Duration (m)

Listen to the song. There are 4 things there. What are they? What's their order?

Listen to the song. There are 4 things there. What...

Ask and answer:

- What colour is the sky? 

- It's blue. It's blue. It's blue.


Now sing again! Sing faster:)

Ask and answer: - What colour is the sky?  -...

This is a blue...

This is a brown ...

There are brown ...

This is a blue... This is a brown ... There...

Masters book Unit 1

Masters book Unit 1
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