Practise the dialogue. Gossips.


Beth: Cathy Roth is thirty-three.

Ethan: Is she? I thought she was forty-three.

Beth: Her birthday was last Thursday.

Ethan: Was it? I thought it was last month.

Beth:  Seth is her third husband.

Ethan: Is he? I thought he was her fourth husband.

Beth: Their house is worth three hundred thousand dollars.

Ethan: Is it? I thought it was worth about one hundred thousand dollars.

Beth: Seth is the author of a math book.

 Ethan: Is he? I thought he was an athlete.  

Beth: I'm so thirsty.

Ethan: Are you? I thought you had something to drink at Cathy's house.

Beth: No. Cathy didn't offer me anything.

Ethan: I'll buy you a drink.

Beth: Oh, thank you!


Gossips Beth: Cathy Roth is thirty-three. Ethan: Is she? I...
Listen and the dialogue.
Listen and the dialogue.
Practise reading the dialogue aloud. Record your voice to compare your production of the target sound with the recording.
Practise reading the dialogue aloud. Record your voice to compare your production of the target sound with the recording.

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