
Are camping holidays becoming more or less popular in your country? (Why do you think that is? Is it a good or a bad thing, in your opinion?)

Are people in your country generally interested in backpacking, do you think?

Are there advantages to taking package tours?

Do you think children generally enjoy camping? (Why?/ Why not?)

Do you think children should attend summer camps?

Do you think it’s a good idea to take children off the beaten track?

Do you think it’s better for governments to encourage domestic tourism or to encourage people to travel more widely?

Do you think it’s important to travel abroad while you are young?

Do you think that adventure holidays are a good way to improve children’s character?

Do you think that people your age in your country take enough holiday?

Do you think that what kinds of holiday people take is changing?

Do you think that your government is doing enough to get more foreign visitors to come to this country? (Why do you think that?)

Do you think there is a danger that there will be too many foreign tourists in this country?

Eco-tourism is becoming more and more popular in some countries. Why do you think that is?

How can people make sure that they really learn something about a country that they are travelling in?

How do people in your country usually spend their summer breaks?

How has air travel changed over the last twenty five years?

How important is it to plan what you are going to see and do when you go abroad?

How important is speaking the local language when you go overseas? (What makes you say that?)

In what ways does international tourism benefit society?

Is it important to have a long summer holiday or do you think it’s enough to have short breaks? (Why?)

People are spending more and more on their holidays. Why do you think that is?

Some people say that companies should offer more paid holiday. What do you think?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking a year off to travel, in your opinion?

What are the effects of tourism on the environment? (What do you think the solutions might be?)

What could governments do to increase how much annual leave people take? (Do you think that is likely to happen?)

What is the most important public holiday for most people in your town or country, do you think?

Why, in your opinion, do some people go on holiday with their friends instead of their family?

Why, in your opinion, do some people not go abroad on vacation?

Are camping holidays becoming more or less popular in your...
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