1. Haiku Poem - Winter
1. Haiku Poem - Winter
Now try writing your own Haiku. Your theme is Winter. Think of a title for your poem.
Now try writing your own Haiku. Your theme is Winter. Think of a title for your poem.
2. What makes it snow?
Study the Words:
2. What makes it snow?

Precipitation – water that falls from the sky.

Water droplet – a drop of water

Sleet - ice pellets/balls

Fluffy white flakes – cottony snowflakes

Precipitation – water that falls from the sky. Water droplet...
Watch the video and answer the questions
Watch the video and answer the questions
What Makes it Snow? Winter Precipitation for Kids - FreeSchool
What Makes it Snow? Winter Precipitation for Kids - FreeSchool
Duration (m)

1.      Where does snow begin?

2.      What are clouds made of?

3.      Why do water droplets fall from the sky?

4.      What kinds of precipitation do you know?

5.      When does snow happen?

            What does a snowflake contain?

1.      Where does snow begin? 2.      What are clouds made...
Next: Weather