Happy House 1 l1
Hello! | Super Simple Songs
1. Greeting. Hello song
Hello! | Super Simple Songs
Duration (m)
2. Introduction ( Happy house)
- Look at the picture. What can you see?
- Who are the people? How manychildren are there?
- What animals can you see?
-This is a family. They live in this house
- But there is one more inhabitant. It lives in the house secretly under the floors of a house
3. Presentation
- Meet the members of the Family
( Mum, dad, Polly, Jack, Daisy, Otto )
4. Do you remember the members of the family? Let's see
9. Which name do you hear? - Circle the name of character which you hear
10. Home work
Review the characters
Next: FF 3 Unit 3 Lesson 10