Boss Baby





Task 1. Write a list of words which you associate with childhood.

Ex: a baby doll, a toy car…





Task 2. Tell the class about the most exiting memory from your childhood:

· How old were you?

· What was it? Why were you excited?

· Where did it happen? Who was there with you when it happened?



Task 3. Think and write about what you liked and didn’t like to do when you were  a child. Why?







Task 4. Before watching the trailer, check the meaning of the words given below:



Rise and shine

Find out

Take over

Spicy tuna roll




Be onto





Power nap



Task 5. Watch the trailer and fill in the gaps with the new words:


My name is Tim. I had the greatest parents ever.


_____________________. It’s “Take your kid to work” day.



It was just the three of us, the Templetons, life was perfect until that one ________ day.


Tim, look who’s here! Meet your new baby broooooooooooooooother.



He is _______________the whole house. Look at him, he wears a ________.

He is like a little man.

He carries a ______________. Does no one else think that, oh, I don’t know, a little ____________?

You carried a Lamb Lamb around until you were like…

This is not about Lamb Lamb.

_________ me, one day you gonna love him with all of your heart.




But I think the kid might ________me.

Hands up baby!

Poop duty. I’ve gotta deal with the KID.

You can talk.

Uhhhhh, goo goo gah gah

No, you can really talk!

Fine. I can talk. Now, let’s see if you can listen. Get me a double espresso and a see if there’s a place around here with _____________ sushi. I’d kill for a ___________________right about now. Get yourself a little something.



Who are you?

Let just say, I am the boss.

Wait till Mum and Dad ___________about this!

_________, uhh, you were saying?




Task 5. Discuss:


1. Who is the main hero? What happened to him?

2. What is wrong with his little brother?

3. What does Tim find out about his little brother?

4. What do you think will happen next? Will they be friends?

5. How many members are there in your family? Do you have any bothers or sisters?

6. Do you get on well with your brothers or sisters?

7. Do you ever get angry with your siblings? Why/Why not?

8. What are advantages and disadvantages of being the only child?




        Task 1. Write a list of...
The Boss Baby Official Trailer - Teaser (2017) - Alec Baldwin Movie
The Boss Baby Official Trailer - Teaser (2017) - Alec Baldwin Movie
Duration (m)
Next: A Shorter Letter