
What's your name?

How old are you?

How many .....s?

How are you? Are you...?

What colour is your...?

Is it a ...?

What's your name? How old are you? How many .....s?...
1. He or she?
1. He or she?

Workbook Page 32; excercise A

Workbook Page 32; excercise A
1.1 Unscramble and write
1.1 Unscramble and write
2. Who is he ? Who is she?
2. Who is he ? Who is she?
2.1 Read write and circle
2.1 Read write and circle
4. Read and write
4. Read and write
3. Is he? Is she?
3. Is he? Is she?
5. Speaking.
5. Speaking.

Guess a family memeber.

Ask : Is she tall? 

         Is he old?

(let a student know if it's he ir she beforehand)

Guess a family memeber. Ask : Is she tall?   ...
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