Lesson 15. She's my mother. He's my father.

- How are you?

- How is the weather? 

- What day is it today? 

- How are you? - How is the weather?  -...
1. Let's remember the words
1. Let's remember the words
2. Answer the questions
2. Answer the questions
Gogo's 3 Who's he? he's my father
Gogo's 3 Who's he? he's my father
Duration (m)
4. Let's draw our families!
Draw your family and answer the questions "Who's he? Who's she?"
4. Let's draw our families!
5. Warm up
5. Warm up

Folow, folow, folow me 

Hends up! Hends down! 

Folow, folow, folow me

Stand up! Sit down! 

Folow, folow, folow me 

Now let's count 1,2,3


Folow, folow, folow me  Hends up! Hends down!  Folow, folow,...
6. First letter. Where are you?
6. First letter. Where are you?
7. Letter M
7. Letter M
The Letter M | Learn The Alphabet | Super Simple ABCs
The Letter M | Learn The Alphabet | Super Simple ABCs
Duration (m)
8. Homework
8. Homework
3. Who's he? He's my father!
3. Who's he? He's my father!
Next: Lesson 16. 4 seasons of the year + Who's he? Who' she?