Past continuous+ordinal numbers
1. Warming up
1. Warming up
Ordinal numbers puzzle, an interactive worksheet by norma_gavarrete loadliveworksheet(1829773,'dqcdsxtj',1291,'www',592186);
2.Let's learn
2.Let's learn

1.When do we use Past Continuous?

   How do we make sentences in Past Continuos Tense?


2. Example sentences. Hide words, play H/S game.


3. Look at the comic. Find sentences in Past Continuos Tense.

    Why do we use the Past Continuos Tense in these sentences?


1.When do we use Past Continuous?    How do we...
2. Write
2. Write
2. Speaking
2. Speaking
3. Let's sing
3. Let's sing

b) Hide words, play H/S game

b) Hide words, play H/S game
4. Let's learn dates
4. Let's learn dates
5. Dates with prepositions
5. Dates with prepositions

b) Ask and answer:

b) Ask and answer:

c) Speak about when you and your family were born

c) Speak about when you and your family were born
6. Do the quiz
6. Do the quiz
7. Watch the video and complete the tasks
7. Watch the video and complete the tasks

Workbook page 103;

Workbook page 104, ex.1;

Workbook page 103; Workbook page 104, ex.1;
Next: Phonics + Listening