FF1 U 15 p111

Look at the picture. What/who is this? (rug, jug, juice, mum, sum)

Look at the picture. What/who is this? (rug, jug, juice,...

1. Listen 2. Listen and repeat,

1. Listen 2. Listen and repeat,

What can they do at the beach?

What can they do at the beach?

3 Read again. Circle the correct word.


1. Robbie is on holiday with his brother / sister

2. The sea is green / blue.

3. Robbie can / can't see the sea from his bedroom.

4. There are crabs / frisbees on the beach.

5. Robbie likes trains / boats.

3 Read again. Circle the correct word.   1. Robbie...

3 Read again. Answer the questions

What has Robbie Got?

What is there on the beach?

What colour is the sea?

Is the hotel nice?

What is there in the hotel?

3 Read again. Answer the questions What has Robbie Got?...
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