Module 1- What Is Blended Learning?

Click and watch the video below.  Think about the following:

- Which blended learning model is most applicable to your campus?

- Identify benefits and challenges to incorporating blended learning in your class instruction.

- Do you identify yourself as a blended learning facilitator?

- Consider your 2014-2015 classroom. What structures would you incorporate to facilitate (or increase effectiveness of) Blended Learning opportunities?


Click and watch the video below.  Think about the following:...

The In-Class Flip

You'll soon discover blended learning is an umbrella term for flipped classroom, in-class flip/in-flip, blended stations, and adaptive program instruction. Watch the video linked below to gain better understanding of classroom structure for in-flip success. As you watch, begin to plan and imagine what science activities may used in lieu of the language stations in the video.


The In-Class Flip You'll soon discover blended learning is an...
The In-Class Flip
The In-Class Flip
Duration (m)

Open the padlet link below to contribute to class discussion.  Sign each entry with your first name and last initial. 

Open the padlet link below to contribute to class discussion. ...

Before moving forward to your next module, let's consider occasional wireless access challenges.  Blended learning stations may incorporate pre-recorded teacher videos, and other videos, powerpoint presentations, games etc. saved to classroom devices.  The idea is that students gain foundational knowledge and practice skills that can be used for more rigorous tasks in future lessons. 

Before moving forward to your next module, let's consider occasional...
The Basics of Blended Learning
The Basics of Blended Learning
Duration (m)
Next: Module 2- EdHeads