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What to take to a deserted island?
What to take to a deserted island?

We’ve all thought about what essentials we’d pack if we knew we’d be stranded on a deserted island. But what would actually keep us safe — and sane — while living alone in paradise?

1. A knife

A big knife is first on our list of essentials to have on a deserted island. Not only could it be used for protection, but also for hunting.

2. A fishing net

Fish are a very healthy protein choice, and having a net will ensure that catching them is easier.

3. A giant box of matches

Who wants to spend hours trying to start a fire by rubbing two sticks together? To make sure you’ll always have a blazing campfire to relax next to, bring a giant box of matches to our deserted tropical paradise.

4. A hammock


Most deserted islands are filled with trees, and a hammock would provide a comfortable place to sleep those lonely nights away. It would also be above the ground and away from any nocturnal critters.

5. A can of bug spray

If you have ever spent any time in the tropics, you know how necessary it is to have bug spray — a no-brainer for a list of deserted-island essentials.

6. A bottle of sunblock

There’s nothing worse than being stranded on a deserted island — except for being stranded on a deserted island with a terrible sunburn. Sunscreen is one item that should not be left out of your deserted-island packing list.

7. An inflatable raft with rows

So you can row, row, row your boat, merrily to freedom — or to catch a beautiful view from the other side of the island.

8. A flashlight

Not just any flashlight, but one that runs when you wind it up, so you don’t need batteries.

9. A spear

It doesn’t have to be fancy, and it doesn’t have to be expensive, but a spear would make life on a desolate island so much easier. This item would also come in handy for spear-fishing during a future island vacation in the Maldives.

10. A satellite phone

A satellite phone is a cellphone that can be used anywhere in the world (including a deserted island) as long as there is a clear line from the antenna to the sky. The cost may be pricey — around $1,500 for the phone plus a $30-50 monthly fee. But if it affords you a better fate than Gilligan and his friends, then it’s definitely money well spent.

We’ve all thought about what essentials we’d pack if we...
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