5. Relax

Four Opinions, One Discussion. Let's Go!

Sarah: "I think people enjoy different activities because everyone has their own preferences. For example, I love going to the beach and surfing because it's exhilarating, but my friend doesn't like water activities and prefers to go hiking instead."


Mark: "I'm not sure why people enjoy different activities. I can go either way. Sometimes I want to stay indoors and play video games all day, while other times, I want to be outside playing basketball. It really just depends on my mood at the time."


Jenny: "I strongly believe that people enjoy different activities because of their upbringing. For instance, if their parents took them camping a lot as kids, then they might enjoy outdoor activities more than someone who never went camping as a child."


Tom: "I get so emotional thinking about this topic because I know people who refuse to try new activities, and I feel like they're missing out on a lot! I used to hate hiking until I actually gave it a try, and now it's one of my favorite things to do.

Four Opinions, One Discussion. Let's Go! Sarah: "I think people...

Time to Read!

People enjoy different activities for many reasons. Some people like to play cards because it's a fun way to spend time with friends and family. Others prefer to do dance classes because they enjoy learning new moves and expressing themselves through dance.


Some people go swimming because it's a great way to stay active and cool off in the summer. Watching athletics is another way to enjoy sports and support your favorite athletes. For some people, watching football is a favorite pastime, while others prefer to play basketball.


Yoga is a popular activity because it helps people relax and reduce stress. Going running or jogging is also a great way to stay active and improve your health. Some people enjoy fishing because it's a peaceful and calming activity that allows them to connect with nature.


Watching tennis is another popular sport, and some people even enjoy playing golf as a way to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Finally, doing drawing is a creative outlet that allows people to express themselves and create something beautiful.


In conclusion, people enjoy different activities for many different reasons. Whether it's for exercise, relaxation, socializing, or personal expression, there is an activity out there for everyone. So, find what you love and enjoy it!


What's Good and What's Bad? Let's Discuss!


People can find new hobbies and interests to enjoy
They can make new friends through shared activities
Doing different things can reduce stress and increase happiness
Different activities allow people to learn new skills and gain knowledge
It helps people have a more interesting life
Trying too many activities can sometimes be overwhelming
Some activities can be expensive, so not everyone can afford them
Certain activities can be dangerous and cause injuries or accidents
Not all activities are available in every country or area
People may get bored of an activity after doing it for a long time


True or False? You Decide

People play cards because it's a great way to stay active.
Dance classes are popular because they are a great way to stay cool in the summer.
Swimming is a great way to stay active and cool off in the summer.
Watching athletics is not a popular way to enjoy sports.
Watching football is a favorite pastime for everyone.
Yoga is a popular activity because it helps people reduce stress.
Going running or jogging is not a great way to stay active.
Fishing is a peaceful and calming activity that allows people to connect with nature.
Watching tennis is not a popular sport.
Drawing is a creative outlet that allows people to express themselves and create something beautiful.
Time to Read! People enjoy different activities for many reasons....

Vocabulary List

Below is a list of expressions related to different topics with explanations.


  • A taste of art: Refers to the experience or exposure to different forms of art. For example, "The art museum gave me a taste of different artistic styles and periods.


  • Musical taste: Refers to the preference for a particular type or genre of music. For example, "My musical taste varies from classical to rock music."
  • To play an instrument: Refers to the action of playing a musical instrument. For example, "I love to play the guitar in my free time."


  • Sport preference: Refers to the choice of a particular sport or activity. For example, "My sport preference is basketball because I enjoy playing it."
  • Throw in the towel: Refers to giving up or quitting. For example, "I tried to cook a souffle, but it didn't turn out well. I had to throw in the towel."
  • To practice a sport: Refers to the action of training or exercising in a specific sport or activity. For example, "I practice basketball every day to improve my skills."


  • To read a book: Refers to the action of reading a written work. For example, "I love to read a book before going to bed."
  • Book genre: Refers to the category or type of literature that a book belongs to. For example, "My favorite book genre is science fiction."


  • To go on a trip: Refers to the action of taking a journey or traveling to a specific destination. For example, "I am planning to go on a trip to Europe next summer."
  • Hit the road: Refers to starting a journey or trip. For example, "It's time to hit the road and start our adventure!"
  • In the same boat: Refers to being in the same situation or predicament as someone else. For example, "We are all in the same boat when it comes to dealing with the pandemic."


  • To cook a meal: Refers to the action of preparing food for consumption. For example, "I am going to cook a meal for my friends tonight."


  • A taste of art: Refers to the experience or exposure to different forms of art. For example, "The art museum gave me a taste of different artistic styles and periods.
Vocabulary List Below is a list of expressions related to...
Next: 6. Family and Friends