Unit 4 - Holidays
Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Irregular Verbs part 1
Irregular verbs part 2
Irregular verbs - part 4
Irregular verbs part 3

Go on holiday - йти/їхати на канікули

fly to Helsinki - летіти в Хельсінки   

fly with British Airways - летіти британськими авіалініями                   

fly first-class - летіти першим класом 

stay with friends - залишатися з друзями                     

stay in a hotel - залишатися в готелі                    

stay in a bed and breakfast - залишатися в ліжку і снідати

take the train - сісти на потяг                            

take the bus - сісти в автобус                              

take a taxi - сісти в таксі

spend a day in Rome - провести день в Римі                 

spend the week relaxing - провести тиждень відпочиваючи          

spend lots of money - витратити купу грошей

rent a car - винаймати авто                         

rent a boat - винаймати човен                                  

rent a flat - винаймати квартиру

go sightseeing - оглядати визначні місця                       

go out for dinner - піти на вечерю                          

go swimming - піти плавати

Go on holiday - йти/їхати на канікули fly to Helsinki...
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 3

Hi Maurs, 

How are you? I hope you and your family are well. How was your trip to Korea? I'm sure It was great.

Helena and I spent three fantastic weeks in Ireland and had a really great time. We flew to Dublin, the capital, and spent a week there. It's a beautiful city We went sightseeing every day and saw all the old buildings. Then in the evenings, we went out and enjoyed the nightllfe. It's a fun city! You'd love it. 

After that, we rented a car and spent two weeks driving round the country. It's really beautiful! I was worried about the weather, but it didn't rain once

We stayed in little bed and breakfasts and met some really lovely people. 

My favourite place was the west of fhe country. We went walking in the mountains in County Mayo for a few days. It was lovely and quiet. On the first day we  didn't see anyone else - we only saw sheep! 

Anyway, now we're back in Copenhagen end back at work! How was your summer? Did you go on holiday anywhere? Did you have a good time

Please write and tell me everything! Or why not come and visit us? There are some cheap flights In September and the weather is still OK. 

Your friend, 


had a really great time
went sightseeing
round the country
it didn't rain once
bed and breakfast
the west of fhe country
for a few days
have a good time

Hi Maurs,  How are you? I hope you and your...

Read an email from a Danish man to his Italian friend. Put the photos in the order they are talked about in the text. 

Read an email from a Danish man to his Italian friend....

Answers to Exercise 7 

Answers to Exercise 7 

Answers to exercise 9


Answers to exercise 9  
Lesson 4
Lesson 4
review 2
Next: Unit 5 - Shops