Unit 2 - Free time
Free time
Words for unit 2
Free time
Verb patterns
Developing Conversations
Developing Conversations

In English, nouns can be classified as either countable or uncountable. Countable nouns refer to objects or things that can be counted, such as "book," "chair," or "apple." Uncountable nouns, on the other hand, refer to things that cannot be counted, such as "water," "information," or "furniture." It is important to note that some nouns can be both countable and uncountable, depending on the context in which they are used. For example, "paper" can be countable when referring to individual sheets, or uncountable when referring to the material in general.

In English, nouns can be classified as either countable or...
Episode 3: Making arrangements on the phone - English course in KL
Episode 3: Making arrangements on the phone - English course in KL
Duration (m)
I usually finish at five

There are verb patterns in English where the verb is followed by either an -ing form or a to+infinitive form. The -ing form is used after certain verbs, such as "enjoy," "avoid," and "admit." For example, "I enjoy playing soccer" or "She avoids eating spicy food." The to+infinitive form is used after other verbs, such as "want," "need," and "plan." For example, "I want to learn Spanish" or "She needs to finish her homework." It's important to note that there are some verbs that can be followed by either form, with a slight difference in meaning.

There are verb patterns in English where the verb is...
Adverbs of frequency
A lot of homework!
Countable and uncountable nouns
Next: Unit 3 - Home