Unit 14 - Opinions
Lesson 1
Lesson 1

Vocabulary Unit 14. Lesson 1

  • the acting was bad - акторська гра була поганою
  • advert for a musical - реклама мюзіклу
  • arrive at the border - приїхати на кордон
  • don't get on well - погано ладити
  • extra wages - додаткова оплата
  • get treatment - отримувати лікування
  • go and see a play - піти подивитися постановку
  • have insurance - мати страховку
  • injure yourself - поранитися
  • leader of a team - лідер команди
  • lost the election - програв вибори
  • more efficient - більш ефективний
  • a scary film - лякаючий фільм
  • horror film - фільм жахів
  • start peace talks - почати мирні переговори
  • a strong economy - сильна економіка
  • support each other - підтримувати один одного
  • there's been a murder - відбулось вбивство
  • use violence - використовувати насилля 


  • brilliant - чудовий
  • entertaining - розважальний
  • predictable - передбачуваний
  • strange - дивний
  • terrible - жахливий
  • violent - жорстокий
  • amazing - чудовий
Vocabulary Unit 14. Lesson 1 the acting was bad -...
Lesson 2
Lesson 2

Vocabulary Unit 14. Lesson 2

win the election - виграти вибори

factory, plant - завод

World Cup - Кубок Світу (в грі, наприклад в футболі)

it doesn't make any difference - це не має ніякого значення

solve the problem completely - повністю вирішити проблему

sometime in the evening - якось увечері

look after the environment - піклуватися про довкілля

get divorced - розлучатися (офіційно)

they will push for more talks - вони вимагатимуть подальших переговорів

there's no clear winner - немає чіткого переможця

Vocabulary Unit 14. Lesson 2 win the election - виграти...

Breaking News: Height Measurement with a phone

Smartphones are a great technology. We need them every day. They have some secrets. One is on the new iPhone. It can measure someone's height. You just point your phone camera at someone and an app gives you their height. The person you are measuring must stand in front of the camera from head to toe. You can measure your own height in a mirror, but this is not so accurate. The new app could end arguments about who is the tallest.

The app is called Measure. It uses a special sensor that is inside the camera. The sensor uses LiDAR technology. This is "light imaging, detection, and ranging". LiDAR is used to make digital 3D models of the Earth. It measures a person's height by bouncing light off them. When the light returns to the sensor, the app calculates the person's height. A website joked that the app, "isn't as cool as drawing lines on a door" to find someone's height.

Breaking News: Height Measurement with a phone Smartphones are a great...

1 will

2 won’t 

3 will / won’t 

4 won’t 

5 won’t 

6 will

7 will

8 won’t

1 will 2 won’t  3 will / won’t  4 won’t ...


Paragraph 1 

1 e

2 g

3 d

4 b

5 c

6 a

7 h

8 f


Paragraph 2

1 f

2 a

3 g

4 c

5 h

6 e

7 b

8 d

Answers  Paragraph 1  1 e 2 g 3 d 4...
Lesson 3
Lesson 3

(written by Maya)

I came here to work. It's really easy to get a job in computing because there are so many tech companies here and wages are high. I've lived here for five years now. I love it.

I don't miss anything about my country. People here are very relaxed and open and I get on very well with my neighbours. We don't have long, dark, cold winters here - it's warm all year round.mBut if I want snow, I can go to the mountains and I can still watch ice hockey here. The only problem is, it's difficult to find time to do those things because I work long hours.

Before I came here, I heard crime was bad and that the health system was expensive, but I haven't had any problems. In big cities, it can be dangerous to walk at night and there's gun violence, but in my small town I've never seen anything like that. I don't always lock my front door and no-one has ever stolen anything. As for the health system, the service is expensive, but my company provides health insurance, so I've had no problems when I've needed treatment. 

A NEW LIFE(written by Maya)I came here to work. It's...

It's easy to get a job in .... - легко отримати роботу в...(сфері)
miss my country - сумувати за країною
work long hours - працювати багато годин
crime was bad - був високий рівень криміналу
gun violence - озброєні напади
lock the front door - закривати вхідні двері
provide a health insurance - забезпечувати медичне страхування
need a treatment - потребувати лікування

It's easy to get a job in .... - легко...
  1.  It's easy to say. - Легко казати.
  2. It's important to know. - Важливо знати.
  3. It's nice to be here. - Приємно бути тут.
  4. It's cheap to pay for the rent. - Платити за аренду - дешево.
  5. It can be difficult to legalize your stay in another country. - Може бути складно офіційно зареєструвати своє перебування в іншій країні.
 It's easy to say. - Легко казати. It's important to...

1. To find

2. To walk

3. To park

4. Not to offer

5. To read

6. To see 

7. Not to worry

8. Not to vote

1. To find 2. To walk 3. To park 4....

1 c

2 b

3 e

4 f

5 d

6 a

1 c 2 b 3 e 4 f 5 d...
Lesson 4
Lesson 4

Creative task:
read the article from the link below and write a text about national symbols of Ukraine. Your text should contain minimum 10 sentences. Send your text to the teacher to check it.

Creative task:read the article from the link below and write...
Next: Unit 15 - Technology